
“Flowers For Them” is a film done during my last semster at Edinboro University. Vocals/Song was performed by Audrey Cole alongside additional background help from Cecilia Muscella.

“Mementos” is a short film I made during my final semester at Edinboro University in Spring 2024 as a side personal project. It touches on mental health and what we do with memories that we do not wish to have.

I contributed storyboards, editing, and computer shots. The film was made alongside a team of four others - Tabitha Karolewics, Amber Mcbean, Andrea Russo, and Avery Bauman for the 24-hour student animation contest. We ranked 13th nationally where we tied for 42th out of 400+ international teams in October 2023.

"Bear Radio" is a short film that was planned, written, and created in 48 hours. I contributed writing, color, and the entire first shot during July of 2024. The film was made by four others as well, Jordan Hess, Avery Bauman, Avi Rettman and Kurtis Riskey.

My Spring 2023 Junior Film, all work on the film was done by myself aside from the title logo done by Brianna Signorelli.

A puppeted short film from Fall 2022, the entire film was made by myself for an After Effects Class.